Feet to cm

If you want to convert feet to cm, then you have come to the right site.

Here’s all about the unit conversion you want to know. 🙂

One foot, plural feet, abbreviated as ft, is one third of a yard defined as 0.9144 meters.

Thus 1 foot measures 0.3048 meters.

One centimeter, abbreviated as cm, is one hundredth of a meter (m), the fundamental unit of length in the International System of Units.

To convert feet to centimeters use our converter right below.

Feet to cm Converter

To conduct the feet to cm conversion enter the value(s). You can either enter feet, inches or a combination thereof.


Here you can convert cm to feet and inches, combined, or for each unit individually.

Frequent feet to cm conversions on this website include:

Feet to cm Conversion

All put together:

1 ft = 30.48 cm
1 foot = 30.48 centimeter

To convert any length in the unit foot it is recommended using our calculator above.

Feet to cm Formula

The feet to cm formula is cm = ft × 30.48

Now you already know how much is one ft in cm.

Here’s one foot in the other metrical units:

mm: 304.8 millimeter
dm: 3.048 decimeter
m: 0.3048 meter
km: 0.0003048 kilometer


Last, but not least, here’s our table containing common values:

1 1/1233.02
1 1/635.56
1 1/438.1
1 1/340.64
1 5/1243.18
1 1/245.72
1 7/1248.26
1 2/350.8
1 3/453.34
1 5/655.88
1 11/1258.42
2 1/1263.5
2 1/666.04
2 1/468.58
2 1/371.12
2 5/1273.66
2 1/276.2
2 7/1278.74
2 2/381.28
2 3/483.82
2 5/686.36
2 11/1288.9
3 1/1293.98
3 1/696.52
3 1/499.06
3 1/3101.6
3 5/12104.14
3 1/2106.68
3 7/12109.22
3 2/3111.76
3 3/4114.3
3 5/6116.84
3 11/12119.38
4 1/12124.46
4 1/6127
4 1/4129.54
4 1/3132.08
4 5/12134.62
4 1/2137.16
4 7/12139.7
4 2/3142.24
4 3/4144.78
4 5/6147.32
4 11/12149.86
5 1/12154.94
5 1/6157.48
5 1/4160.02
5 1/3162.56
5 5/12165.1
5 1/2167.64
5 7/12170.18
5 2/3172.72
5 3/4175.26
5 5/6177.8
5 11/12180.34
6 1/12185.42
6 1/6187.96
6 1/4190.5
6 1/3193.04
6 5/12195.58
6 1/2198.12
6 7/12200.66
6 2/3203.2
6 3/4205.74
6 5/6208.28
6 11/12210.82
7 1/12215.9
7 1/6218.44
7 1/4220.98
7 1/3223.52
7 5/12226.06
7 1/2228.6
7 7/12231.14
7 2/3233.68
7 3/4236.22
7 5/6238.76
7 11/12241.3

About This Website

Converting units from the imperial to the decimal system is quite common because the unit foot is widely used in United States and other countries.

In contrast, the meter, by definition, is the base unit of length elsewhere.

Not only do people travel and want to know a width or height in the measurement they are familiar with, but also products ship measured in either unit, and need to be converted, mainly in the sector of consumer products such as computer monitors, CDs, DVDs and smart phones for example.

Usually, the diameter is given in inch.

In addition, North Americans tend to give people’s height in foot, but this usually doesn’t ring a bell for a European citizen.

What’s more is that many sports articles and fittings are generally measure in “, which largely contributes to the need of unit conversion for people dealing with these items for the first time or infrequently.

We have created this page for the fact that you can convert inch to cm and feet to cm on many sites, but it’s usually either, or.

In contrast, using our converter you can convert both, feet and inches to cm, either combined or each unit individually.

If you are happy with it, please give us a like, install our app to your home screen or bookmark us.

Thanks for visiting feettocm.com.

More information:

– Article written by Mark, last updated on February 10th, 2024